hullo, this is a baby manga & anime page in the works. i'll think of a cool/cute/sarcastic name soon. i'm assuming you already know what this stuff is, and this site isn't much good if you've never heard of/seen any of the manga/anime i mention. go to anipike and surf yourself silly for that kind of thing.

maybe i'll put up scans of karekano, inuyasha someday. maybe i won't. anyhow, check out what i do have so far...

The good stuff:
Hai! *Lick Lick* : a friend w/ random stuff and amusing commentary.
Genesis Chronicles : a well-done amateur manga site. too bad it's not updated often, but he seems to have picked it up lately. also... ever since he went to art college, the style has matured, and the women no longer have balloon breasts. always a good thing.
Inuyasha: Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi : the best resource out there for Inuyasha manga. The guy gets it fresh from Japan and is nice enough to translate it and put up a few scans.
Kare-kano: land of the awesome cute guys. can't decide which one i want, but am leaning towards kazuma and tonami. maybe asaba too, just for fun. gaaaaah!
  • 09.17.01 :: karekano updated.
  • 09.03.01 :: put in karekano manga stuff. i loooove this story! too bad gainax pooped out on the anime. the music is pretty catchy. ...and the characters are great ... none of that stupid school love triangle angst almost-rape crap.
  • 08.30.01 :: updated ougata & the chief.
  • 08.26.01 :: in business now. i really should be working on other things. go look at the angelic layer page. i think ougata makes the series worth watching. otherwise, it's not too particularly special ... (at least so far. i mean, how many times and in how many different ways can you say "it's not your size or age, but what's inside that counts!" ugh. sort of reminds me of rayearth where they kept hammering into you morals about friendship.)